
Friday, February 11, 2011

Hard Cider

Lets talk Cider. When I tell people I like cider, I typically get an inquisitive look, you can tell they are thinking, "What the heck is cider?"

My love of cider started very young, maybe too young? I first tried "hard" cider when I was 14 years old. My family was on a skiing trip in British Columbia. We stopped for a drink after a long day of skiing. I ordered cider (hot cider) and everyone else ordered a beer. When they brought out "hard" cider we didn't correct them and I went ahead and drank it. I remember thinking it tasted like fermented apple juice. Ok, dumb blond moment, but I was 14 and didn't know any better. That probably was my very first real experience drinking, so what did I know about alcohol? Verdict, not sure why people would want to drink that? It wasn't very good, but I also thought beer smelled and tasted gross and wine…oh that was nasty! (Yes, I had "tried" these before but in very very small quantities).

Fast forward 6 years. I still didn't like beer or wine. If I was going to drink…I drank Vodka or Rum, mixed with either soda or juice. I was studying abroad in Salzburg, Austria. Yes, I was in beer country and I didn't like beer. I have to admit, that over time I did learn to love it, but that story is for another day. This story is about cider. One evening I got dragged to an Irish pub in town. Some of my classmates had become regulars there and thought I might enjoy a night out.

Delicous cider!
I remember the bartender asking what I would like and for some reason I felt like going against the grain that day and said "I don't like Beer! What else do you have?" There was a sparkle in her eye as she asked "Have you tried cider?" Umm that crap I had back in the day…people drink that over here? Yes…I had lots to learn. I figured, well it might be better than beer, so I should try it…and I was hooked. She brought me a pint of golden deliciousness. It was Strongbow on tap (in my opinion the only way to drink it). I was in HEAVEN. I quickly became a regular there…having a cider almost every night. I would walk in, give the head nod and they would bring me a cider. Oh…it was the life. For the rest of my time abroad, I almost exclusively drank cider. When I got back to the states, I had a very difficult time finding it and when I did…well it lacked the quality and taste I had come to love.

I am now on a mission to search the state for cider and good cider at that. I want to try everything this region has to offer (which is actually A LOT). I will be reviewing everything I find and sharing the joy of cider with you! I hope you follow me on my NW Cider Journey!

The Cider Wench

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