
Friday, February 18, 2011

Dogfish Head Midas Touch - Beer Review

Found: Bottles (Beer and Wine Store)
Brewery: Dogfish Head
Beer Name: Midas Touch
Beer Style: Ancient Ale
ABV%:  9%
Price: $3.79 per bottle

Pouring shows a golden color with a slight haziness dispersing the light through the glass.  One finger of fine bubbles of white head that  lasts for 3-4 minutes leaving a super-fine lacing on the glass.  Aroma of fruits, berries, and yeast.  Flavor gives of sweet honey, hints of barley (reminds me of a barleywine style brew), and a little bit of tartness.  The Cider Wench (CW) tasted grapes like in a dessert wine.  Very smooth with a medium body, some mild fizzyness and a warming effect in the end.  The 9% ABV left us flat on our keisters after sharing just one bottle.  This is an extremely drinkable brew, and if I ever find it in a 6-pack CW gave the green light (I just have to convince her to share).  The Ancient Ale line from Dogfish Head has definitely grabbed our attention, we both want to try Chicha some day.

NW Bearded Brewer's Grade:                                                    

Cider Wench's Grade:

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