
Monday, January 14, 2013


I've decided to start a little salute to epic beards.  Famous or amateur... doesn't matter.  It's just gotta rock!

To start this little side-adventure up, I present to you Pittsburgh Steelers Defensive End Brett Keisel!

This particular beard was a main attraction during Super Bowl XLV, back in 2011.  Keisel grows his beard out every season, and when he finally shears his mane... he raises obscene amounts of money for charity.

Beards are awesome.... but this 7 month epic-ness is a bar that needs not be raised.  We should aspire to be in a position that our beards can benefit others, through charity or general wonderment and smiles.

Thank you Mr. Keisel for having an awesome beard!


Please feel free to send me your nominations for an epic beard to appear next week!

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