
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oskar Blues Brewing Company - Old Chub - Beer Review

Found: Bottles
Brewery: Oskar Blues Brewing Company
Beer Name: Old Chub
Beer Style: Scotch Ale
ABV%: 8%
Price: $1.69 per 12 oz

Pour gives just a little bit of tan head, and the brew is dark.... like Darth Vader dark.  Heavy aroma of sweetness, and bread.  Sweet in flavor too, but very delicious.  Definitely tasting that 8% alcohol too.  A little fizzy, with a big body that is almost syrupy.  Sweetness sits on the tongue like hard candy.  My first Scotch Ale, and I'm already a big fan, especially if the rest are similar to this.

NWBB Grade:

CW Grade:

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