
Friday, May 13, 2011

Wells & Youngs Brewing Company Banana Bread Beer - Beer Review

Found: Albertsons
Brewery: Wells & Young's Brewing Company (UK)
Beer Name: Banana Bread Beer
Beer Style: Unk
ABV: 5.2%

No lacing to speak of after 2 fingers of foam fades quickly to a mist sitting on top of the beer.  Color gives off a dark amber, but is crystal clear all the way through the glass.  Aroma is chock full of bananas, which I found very nice.  Also a strong smell of bread, like Ma just pulled it from the oven.  Heavy banana flavor, again I'm a fan, like Chunky Monkey from Vermont, but in beer form.  Some nuttiness poke its head out, and a little wheat too.  Definitely sweet but not syrupy.  Good body, and the sweetness doesn't stick to your tongue, and finishes clean.  I thought it was delicious, but not an everyday drinker.  I could definitely go for some Banana Bread now.

NWBB's Grade:

CW's Grade: 
The Flavor Saver

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