
Friday, May 6, 2011

Ninkasi Brewing Company Total Domination IPA – Beer Review

Found: Albertsons
Brewery: Ninkasi Brewing Company
Beer Name: Total Domination IPA
Beer Style: IPA
ABV%:   6.7%
Price:  $3.75 for 22 oz

Brew pours a golden and hazy color with three fingers of stark white foam.  The foam fades slowly and sits with one finger of foam consisting of medium and large bubbles leaving a wonderful lacing down the side.  The hops grow in the mouth like biting into a spicy pepper… it grows and grows until you think you can’t handle it, so you take another sip of beer to cool it off.  AWESOME!  A nice little bitter finish rounds everything off.  A very light start with a body that grows and the hops and bitterness sits in the back of your mouth kicking your tonsils for a few minutes.

NW Bearded Brewer’s Grade:

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