
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wild Dawgs.... I think I love you....

...but I want to know for sure! 

Yes I'm singing, because I've found the best place in town for a really good dog... correction, dawg.

Unbeknownst to many of you out there in internet land, I have been unemployed for several months and recently was hired by the best company around. This means I have money coming in… hooray, more beer.

One night, CW and I were perusing a local magazine called Sizzle and she pointed out that there is a “hotdog” joint just down the road from my work. We’re talking a 5 minute walk that serves local and other northwest brews. Just the name of the restaurant made me want to go there, “Wild Dawgs”.

During my lunch hour a few days later, I meandered my way towards destiny. Sure, I’ve had a hot dog, a bratwurst and even the ever destroying chili dog. Let me tell you right now, I’ve never had a Wild Dawg until now.

The restaurant is a small place with several tables and chairs, with a few places right up at the bar. I met one of the owners and the brainchild of every dawg creation, Esteban. He greeted me right away, and asked if I had ever been in before. "Nope, I'm a newbie..."

My gracious host.... and hot dawg genius!
After explaining where I heard about his establishment, and asking for the best dawg he had, Esteban set me up with a Hot Mama. Chorizo, cilantro based sauce, fresh tomatoes, sriracha for some extra heat, and crumbled potato chips on top, and it was all served in a big fluffy bun. You know when you get a German sausage in a hoagie bun, and there is still too much bun left over, not the case here at all. Esteban gave me a quick tutorial on polishing off this behemoth. You have to cut it in half and it makes it easier to handle. Plus your first bite is from the middle where all the goodness has been piled up.

The Hot Mama
I am literally lost for words on how to describe this dawg, save Epic! Let’s put it another way, it was so good that I took my wife there for dinner later that day. All CW could manage to get out while eating her dawg was, “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhh!”

Yeah, and did I forget to mention the beer (also another reason I returned in the evening). They had Fremont Univerale Pale Ale and Golden Hill’s Lizzy’s Lager on tap. Fuggetaboutit! I was in freaking heaven!

Hot Mama with a Lizzy's Lager, a delicious combination
There’s been some controversy over the Wild Dawg’s Logo, and some negative reviews on Urbanspoon. Let me just same something about this. The logo is extremely clever, and if you are so bent out of shape about the marketing for this particular place why don’t you take your children to a “restaurant” where their mascot is a creepy clown who seems like he’s getting a little too touchy feely with the kids.
It's a W people... c'mon!
As for complaints about the prices and the dawgs themselves… shut your mouth! You want a regular hot dog, there is a hot dog stand literally 150 feet from the door of Wild Dawgs. Go spend $5.50 on a dog and a soda. Me? I’ll spend an extra dollar or two on something truly unique and delicious with fresh ingredients, and enjoy a tasty cold beverage of my choice while I’m at it.

Now back to the beer.

Brewery: Fremont Brewing Company
Name: Universale Pale Ale
Style: Pale Ale
Found: Wild Dawgs
Price: By the Pint
ABV: Unk

The pour left about a finger of white foam with medium and large bubbles. The head dissipated pretty quickly all but a thin layer sitting atop the brew which gave off nice floral and some citrusy notes. The taste was dead on for pale ale. This brew was light and refreshing, not a big body, and a nice touch of hoppy bitterness in the end.

NW Bearded Brewer’s Grade:

Brewery: Golden Hill’s Brewing Company
Name: Lizzy’s Lager
Style: Lager
Found: Wild Dawgs
Price: By the Pint
ABV: Unk

Lizzy's Lager

Pour gave a finger of foam full of small and tiny bubbles. The head did eventually disappear, but what was waiting below is the prize I was after.  Nice dark amber color and completely clear (there was some chill haze in this photo). Malty and caramel flavors, but very light and crisp mouth feel. Nice body and smooth all the way to the end.

NW Bearded Brewer’s Grade:

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