
Friday, April 22, 2011

Lagunitas Brewing Night Time Ale – Beer Review

Found: Bottles (Bottle Shop)
Brewery: Lagunitas Brewing (Petaluma, CA) 
Beer Name: Night Time Ale
Beer Style: Black IPA
ABV%:   8.2% and 65 IBUs
Price:  $5.59 for a 22oz

Very dark brown and opaque, with 1-1.5 fingers of tan colored creamy head. Very earthy hop aroma with dark syrupy malt smell along with pleasant hint of the alcohol content. Nice silky mouthfeel, and the bitterness balances nicely with sweetness. 

NW Bearded Brewer’s Grade: 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ninkasi Brewing Company Oatis Oatmeal Stout – Beer Review

Found: Albertsons
Brewery: Ninkasi Brewing Company (Eugene, OR)
Beer Name: Oatis Oatmeal Stout
Beer Style: Oatmeal Stout
ABV%:  7.2%
Price:  $3.75 for 22 oz

Brew pours dark black and opaque, with two fingers of tan foam that fades to one finger of foam consisting of medium to small bubbles.  There is definite lacing coming down the glass.  Aroma gives off bready, coffee and a heavy hit of caramel.  Good body gives way to hints of spiciness, along with a little coffee, caramel and malt.  The creamy head definitely adds to the enjoyment.  My first Oatmeal Stout, climbed quickly to the top of my favorites.

NW Bearded Brewer’s Grade:


Friday, April 8, 2011

Old School House Brewery Rendezvous Porter – Beer Review

Found: Bottles
Brewery: Old School House Brewery (Winthrop, WA)
Beer Name: Rendezvous Porter
Beer Style: Porter
ABV%:  Unk
Price:  $5.99 for 22 oz

Pour produces two fingers of creamy tan foam that fades fairly quickly.  It is a very dark beer but hazy and red when held to the light.  Aroma brings a little bit of smoke with hints of coffee too.  A sweet beer, as porters should be, but not overpowering.  Definite coffee notes hit the tongue with hints of bittersweet chocolate. The brew has a very light mouth feel, with a medium body and a slight bitter finish.  The body holds the smokiness like a warm blanket.  A lovely and warm brew, indeed.

NW Bearded Brewer’s Grade:

Friday, April 1, 2011

North Coast Brewing Company Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout – Beer Review

Found: Bottles
Brewery: North Coast Brewing Company (Fort Bragg, CA)
Beer Name: Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout
Beer Style: Imperial Stout
ABV%:  9%
Price: $2.49 for 12 oz

Pour produces three fingers of dark tan foam consisting of medium and coarse bubbles.  As the head fades it leaves a semi-fine lacing on the glass.  Finishing off the bottle, the brew pours like oil through the thick tan head.  There is a very strong dark roasted coffee aroma.  Flavor gives more of the same with a hint of sweetness from the malt.  There is a big body with a mild bitterness that sits at the top of the mouth.  I kind of feel like a dog that was given peanut butter.  Overall I found this to be a fantastic stout!

NW Bearded Brewer’s Grade: